How to create and link the website's SiteMap

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How to create and link the website's SiteMap

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WebSite X5 generates your website's XML SiteMap.

A SiteMap is an XML file that contains a list of all the pages in a website. It was introduced by GoogleÖ (and is now used by Yahoo! and MSN) to scan websites more quickly and effectively. In other words, if you create and submit your SiteMap to a webmaster, it can ensure that its search engines, and in this case GoogleÖ, is informed of the existence of your website and all its pages, including those which would not be "seen" by normal scanning procedures.

You can use the SiteMap to direct search engines to including specific site content, such as videos, images, news, etc. The SiteMap can also contain additional information on how often pages are updated, when they were last edited, the importance of each page within the website (this parameter does not affect a page's positioning within the search results).

Click to expand/collapseHow to activate the SiteMap

To create and link the SiteMap to a website, leave the Automatically create a SiteMap option active as the default setting in the General Settings | Expert window.

Now you can add additional information for each page, as follows:

§In Step 2 - Sitemap Creation select the page you want to work on.

§Click on the Properties... button to open the Page Properties window and open the Expert section.

§Leave the Add this page to the Sitemap option as it is (active) and select the Contents Priority and Update frequency options.

§Repeat these operations for the other pages in the website.

Click to expand/collapseHow to include images in the SiteMap

The SiteMap can be used to give additional information to GoogleÖ on the images that are in the website, so helping the webmaster's search engine find images that would otherwise be by-passed (for example, images that are included in JavaScript modules) and to recognize the images that are more important than others. For example, by not including images in the SiteMap that are part of the graphic template, or that are purely ornamental, you indicate to  GoogleÖ that they are less important than others.

GoogleÖ specifies that you can add a maximum of 1000 images per page in the SiteMap, and that it cannot guarantee that all the images will be indexed, or that all the additional information will be taken into account.

Once you have created your SiteMap, it is easy to add information on the images:

§Double-click on the Image Object that corresponds to the image you want to work on, to open the Image Object window.

§Open the Sitemap section and select the Add Image to Sitemap option.

§The Title, Caption, Geographical position (e.g. Address, Town, etc) and Licence URL are optional.

§Repeat these operations for all the important images in your website.

For more information, see Image Object | Sitemap.

Click to expand/collapseHow to include videos in the SiteMap

The SiteMap can also be used to inform GoogleÖ about the videos you have in your website. Again, GoogleÖ does not offer any guarantees, but if you do include videos on the SiteMap, you increase the possibility that they will be traced and included in Google VideoÖ searches.

You can use the SiteMap to give additional information, such as the title, description and length of the video, that may simplify the search. This, and other information, is included in the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). However, GoogleÖ may use the text on your video's page for the SERPs, rather than the text you supply in the SiteMap's video content, if this differs.

Completing the SiteMap with video content is easy:

§Double-click on the Video/Audio Object option for the video you want to add, to open the Video/Audio Object window.

§Open the Sitemap section and select the Add video to the Sitemap option.

§Add the mandatory information that must be included in the SiteMap: Title, Caption and Image preview of the Video.

§You can, optionally, include the following information: Category, Website Keywords, Publication Date, Length (secs) and Contents suitable for everybody.

§Repeat these operations for each video that you want to include in the SiteMap.

For further information, see Video/Audio Object | Sitemap.

Click to expand/collapseHow to remove a page from the SiteMap

When a SiteMap is created, all the pages in the website are included in it by default. If you don't want search engines to consider a particular page, just remove it from the SiteMap:

§Select the page you want to remove from the SiteMap in the window in Step 2 - Sitemap Creation.

§Click on the Properties... button to open the Page Properties window, and then open the Expert section.

§Untick the Add this page to the Sitemap option.

§Confirm and save.





SiteMap (


About Sitemaps (Goggle WebMaster Central)


Adding information on images in a Sitemap (Google WebMaster Central)


Creating a Video Sitemap (Google WebMaster Central)